
It's Christmas time but I don't feel much like it. In fact it's getting warmer and nicer every day now. It's not what I'm used to from Norway where it's the darkest and coldest time of the year.
Today is like the warmest nicest day you will ever have during a Norwegian summer!
Although I've only been here less than a week I already know quite a few Vietnamese.
Nearly half of them are Catholics and the rest Buddhists or nothing. I talked with a woman at work yesterday and she said she was to Church together with her children on Christmas Eve and that the Church was packed. I said; oh, so you are a Catholic...then she laughed and said: no, I'm a Buddhist but I like Christmas and I like to go to Church and listen to Christmas carols and last year my husband even was Santa here for the children.
I felt a bit ashamed because I didn't go to Church mostly because I'm not a Catholic.
I think here is a Protestant Church as well, but I don't know where yet.
But I feel good in another way because it seems people are getting very well on with each other whatever religion they belong to.
From my time in other countries I have a lot of friends belonging to various religions and it's somewhat funny that my closest friends are Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Catholics and Communists.......
My question is: Why is there wars going on everywhere?????
Millions of years and humans are still so stupid....we can go to space and make incredible inventions but still we are idiots, sorry.
høhø =D sounds exciting =O
i miss you dad! really...
I believe Christianity maybe carries a "warmth" with it - that most other religions do not have. In its original form it's all about divine love - and who would not be attracted to that?
The Church in Leirvik was also packed Christmas eve. Although I'm not a lutheran I enjoyed the sermon. It was about the heart of God, and how He loves us. And a reminder to us about opening our hearts to Him and to others. The priest even used a heart shaped pillow to illustrate, and I think he caught the attention of both children and adults.
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